안녕하세요 리더님! KoreanStudyJunkie입니다. Today, our main lesson is on (으)ㄹ게요, but I will also explain how it differs from a sentence ending we know all too well (으)ㄹ 거예요.
V-(으)ㄹ게요 - will do
Similar to the future tense ending you’ve most likely learned before, this one translates to "will do" but it can only be used in the FIRST PERSON.
This mean you can only use it to say "I WILL DO" something.
If a verb stem ends with a vowel or ㄹ - ㄹ게요
보다 > 보 + ㄹ게요 = 볼게요
만들다 > 만드 + ㄹ게요 = 만들게요 (remove ㄹ, before conjugating)
Another Way To Think Of It:
If a verb ends with ㄹ, just add 게요 to the ending
만들다 > 만들 + 게요 = 만들게요
If a verb stem ends with a consonant/final batchim - 을게요
찾다 > 찾 + 을게요 = 찾을게요
Example Sentences:
A: 저는 한국어 못 해요.
A: I can’t speak Korean.
B: 괜찮아요. 제가 영어로 할게요.
B: It’s okay. I will speak in English.
A: 야! 지금도 아무것도 안 해. 오늘도 집안일 안 할 거야?
A: Hey! You’re not doing anything even now. You’re not gonna do the chores today, either?
B: 오늘은 꼭 할게! 약속해.
B: I will definitely do it today! I swear.
A: 도대체 언제 공부할 거예요?
A: When on earth are you going to study?
B: 내일 많이 공부할게요
B: I'll study a lot tomorrow
(으)ㄹ게요 vs (으)ㄹ 거예요 TIP:
As mentioned earlier, (으)ㄹ게요 can only be used with a first person subject - I or Me. If a subject of a sentence is not “I”, you must use (으)ㄹ 거예요.
비가 올 거예요. (O)
비가 올게요. (X)
It will rain.
As the subject is 비(rain), (으)ㄹ 거예요’ has to be used.
(으)ㄹ게요 vs (으)ㄹ 거예요 TIP:
You always use ‘(으)ㄹ 거예요’ ending for question forms because most questions take a subject that is not ‘I’ unless I ask a question to myself.
뭘 먹을 거예요?
What are YOU going to eat?
어디서 만날 거예요?
Where are YOU going to meet?
This ending (으)ㄹ게요 is usually used as a promise to the other person you're talking to. In that way, It’s used in response usually to what someone else says.
A: 이거 너무 어려워요.
A: This is too difficult.
B: 제가 도와줄게요.
B: (If you say so) I’ll help you.
A: 아.. 접시 이렇게 쌓여 있어.. 너무 많다!
A: Ah.. the dishes got piled up like this.. it’s too much!
B: 내가 설거지를 할게. 그냥 쉬어.
B: I'll do the dishes. Just relax.
Translate Each Sentence
I'll clean the house today.
청소하다 - clean
I'll order first.
주문히다 - to order
I'll buy the coffee this time.
이번 - this time
You use ‘(으)ㄹ게요’ if you want to show that you are aware of your listeners.
When Koreans leave a gathering or a party before it ends, they often say this.
저 먼저 갈게요.
(if you don’t mind) I will leave first.
(으)ㄹ 거예요 could feel a bit rude if used in this context. (으)ㄹ 거예요, gives the feeling that you’ve been planning to do something in advance.
Notice that 이/가 is used a lot with (으)ㄹ게요 ending. That’s because the emphasis is on “I” or “Me” and the fact that I am the one who WILL do it.
As you can see, it's quite a simple grammar. Usually used in response to someone else in order to promise or do something for them. Unlike the other future tense ending, which is simply stating that some one WILL do an action.
That’s all for this post! I hope you found it at least somewhat helpful. You can scroll down to the see the lessons below that I recommend you to read next.
1). 제가 집을 청소할게요.
2). 먼저 주문할게요.
3). 이번에 커피를 살게요. / 커피를 사줄게요.
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