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When to use 지만 | How to say "but" in Korean


Updated: Jul 20, 2022

Hello guys and welcome back to another post. Today, let's talk about 지만.

지만 means 'but' in English and it can be used with adjective or verb stem. 지만 shows contrast between two clauses. The best part about 지만 is that, there's no need to worry about irregulars. Conjugation of 지만 is pretty simple. You just have to remove '다' and you're good to go.

For example =

먹다 - 먹지만

가다 - 가지만

춥다 - 춥지만

Same with the past tense:

먹었어 - 먹었지만

공부했어 - 공부했지만

For future tense, 지만 is added to ㄹ/을 거다 or ㄹ/을 것이다 or 겠다.


먹을 거다 - 먹을 거지만,

오다 - 오겠지만,

갈 것이지만

Now let's frame some example sentences.

밥을 먹었지만 배고파요.

I ate but I'm hungry.

수학 수업은 어렵지만 재미있어요.

Math classes are difficult but fun.

이 옷은 예쁘지만 너무 비싸요.

This clothing is pretty but too expensive.

한국 음식은 맵지만 맛있어요.

Korean food is spicy but delicious.

리사는 커피를 마셨지만 제니는 우유를 마셨어요.

Lisa drank coffee but Jennie drank milk.

비가 오지만 저는 공원에 갈 거예요.

Even though it's raining, I'm going to the park.

나는 김치를 먹지 않을 것이지만, 김치를 만들고 싶어요.

Even though I'm not going to eat kimchi, I want to make it.

저는 내일 친구의 생일 파티에 갈 거지만 아직은 선물을 못 샀어.

I'm going to my friend's birthday party tomorrow, but I haven't bought a present yet.

저는 내일 친구의 생일 파티에 갈 겠지만 아직은 선물을 못 샀어.

I'm going to my friend's birthday party tomorrow, but I haven't bought a present yet.

Making sentences with 지만 is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Try making some sentences using 지만, it's really fun. I hope you learned something from this post.

Until next time - HangugVocab.

You can go to my channel for some Korean Vocabulary.

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