안녕하세요. Koreasnstudyjunkie here and in this lesson I'll tell you the difference between 달 and 월. Both of which can be translated as "month" in Korean.
달 vs 개월
used for the amount of months.
We'll use the native Korean number system for this. 달 is usually used for saying 1,2,3,4 months although technically you can go alot further.
한 달 = 1 month
두 달 = 2 months
These have 2 different forms. The 2nd form is more formal in my opinion or often used in writing rather than speaking:
세 / 석 달 = 3 months
네 / 넉 달 = 4 months
~~~~ 다섯 달 = 5 months
여섯 달 = 6 months
일곱 달 = 7 months
여덟 달 = 8 months
아홉 달 = 9 months
열 달 = 10 months
열한 달 = 11 months
열두 달 = 12 months
달 also used as the word for month in general.
이번 달 = this month
다음 달 = next month
지난 달 = last month
개월 can be used almost interchangeably with 달, but It's most commonly used when talking about months from 5+ months and up.
개월 uses sino-Korean numbers:
오개월 = 5 months
육개월 = 6 months
칠개월 = 7 months
팔개월 = 8 months
구개월 = 9 months
십개월 = 10 months
십일개월 = 11 months
십이개월 = 12 months
used for the months of the year.
We'll also use sino-Korean numbers here:
일월 - January
이월 - February
삼월 - March
사월 - April
오월 - May
유월* (spelling change) - June
칠월 - July
팔월 - August
구월 - September
시월* (spelling change) - October
십일월 - November
십이월 - December
That's it for this lesson! Check out our other lessons here.