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V-아/어/해 주다 Lesson

안녕하세요 리더님! It's Koreanstudyjunkie and today I have a nice new grammar lesson for you. This grammar ending is used ALL the time in Korean. Stay until the end for a practice section!

아/어/여 주다 is a grammar ending that is used to express doing an action for the benefit of someone. Depending on how you conjugate the ending, it can be used to offer or promise help to others, or when asking for help.

친구 가방을 들어 줬어요.

= I carried my friend‘s bag. (for my friend's benefit)

들다 - to carry

Conjugation Rules:

You have to conjugate the verb before adding the 주다 ending to it. Following the same 아요, 어요, 해요 rules.


가다 > 가 주다

먹다 > 먹어 주다

하다 > 해 주다


A quick note :

쓰다 (으 drop) : 써 주다

듣다(ㄷirregular) : 들어 주다

돕다(ㅂ irregular) : 도와 주다

자르다(르 irregular) : 잘라 주다

짓다(ㅅ irregular) : 지어 주다

드리다 is a honorific version of 주다. You use this 드리다 when the person who receives help is older or superior.

저는 할머니를 도와 드려요.

= I'm helping my grandmother.

Non-honorific version:

저는 친구를 도와 줘요.

There's even another form you may see

주시다 is a combination of 주다 and honorific marker (으)시. When someone who gives help is an elder or superior, you must use 주시다.

할머니는 저를 도와 주셨어요.

= My grandmother helped me.

A common ending attached to 아/어/해 주다 is (으)세요.

You can use it to ask the listener to do something for you (or for someone else).


1). 쓰레기 좀 주워 주세요.

= Please pick up the trash.

2). 창문 좀 닫아 주세요.

= Please close the window.

3). 샌드위치 만들어 주세요.

= Please make me a sandwich.

4). 밥 사줘.

= Buy me food. (informal)

5). 숙제를 도와줄 거예요.

= I’ll help you with your homework.

6). 4). 어제 옆집 아이를 돌봐 줬어요.

= I babysat the kid next door yesterday.

돌보다 - babysit, take care of

7). 너무 바빠요. 그래서 아픈 아이를 돌봐 줄 수 없어요.

= I am too busy, so I cannot take care of my sick baby.

8). 저는 고양이한테 법을 주고 싶어요.

= I want to give food to the cat.

Here's an example of a sentence using the word -주다 (to give). Notice it's very different from the rest of the examples.


Translate these sentences into Korean

1). Please open the door.

  • 문 - door

  • 열다 - to open

2). My friend helped me with my Korean homework.

  • 숙제 - homework

  • 돕다 - to help

3). 천천히 먹어 줘!

  • 천천히 - slowly

  • 먹다 - to eat

4). Shall I read you a book?

  • 책 - book

  • 읽다 - to read

5). 더우니까 에어컨을 켜 드릴까요?

  • 덥다 - to be hot

  • 켜다 - to turn on

6). I'll wake you up tomorrow morning.

  • 깨우다 - to wake up

7). 사장님께서 이 가방을 사 주셨어요.

  • 사장님 - boss

  • 사다 - to buy


7). The boss bought this bag for me.

6). 내가 내일 아침에 깨워줄 거야.

5). It’s hot, so shall I turn on the air conditioner.

4). 책을 읽어 줄까요?

3). Eat it slowly!

2). 한국어 숙제를 하는데 친구가 도와 줬어요.

1). 문 (좀) 열어 주세요.


여기까지예요. That's the end of this lesson! I like to add practice to my grammar lessons whenever I can, because It's a great way to start using what you know.

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