안녕하세요 여러분! Koreanstudyjunkie입니다. Today, I'll break down the grammar pattern - 다가 보면 for you.
Meaning: If you keep V-ing, then (something might happen) ; If you do something for awhile, the next action will occur.
This is the main meaning, but keep in mind that you may not always see it translated this way, sometimes it will be a lot less obvious. It could be said as “after doing or V-ing…”
~다가 - to indicate that one does an action and then stops
~보면 – if one looks/reflects on it
Combining these 2, the speaker can indicate that if the first clause happens for a while
— either continuously or repeatedly over some time period- the second clause is likely or will be sure to occur.
-다가 보면 is usually shortened to -다 보면.
The full version often appears as 다가 보면 when written. This grammar indicates that if you keep doing something, then an outcome (either positive, negative, or neutral) is likely to happen.
Usually the very last verb is conjugated into the present or future tense or using a grammar that indicates uncertainty, like (으)ㄹ 수도 있다 (may). You might also see 게 되다 (end up doing).
Future tense and past tense can't come before -다가 보면, and past tense can't come after -다가 보면.
한국 친구들과 많이 이야기하다 보면 한국 사람처럼 말할 수 있어요.
If you talk a lot with Korean friends, you can talk like a Korean.
이 길을 계속 따라가다 보면 우리 은행을 볼 수 있을 거예요.
If you keep going along this road, you’ll see the Woori bank.
자주 음식을 만들다 보면 요리를 잘 할 거예요.
If you cook often, you will be good at cooking.
여기에 아이들이 놀다 보면 유리창을 깰 수도 있지요.
If the children keep playing around here, the glass window are about to be broken.
계속 연습하다가 보면 괜찮아질 거예요.
If you keep practicing, it will be fine.
새로운 단어를 계속 외우다 보면 점점 헷갈려요.
= If I keep memorizing new words, I gradually get confused.
바쁘게 살다 보면 가끔 중요한 일을 잊어버려요.
If you (continue to) live a busy life, sometimes you will forget important things/tasks/jobs.
A: 실례합니다. 여기서 가장 가까운 지하철역이 어디예요?
Excuse me. Where’s the nearest subway station?
B: 시청 역이에요.
It’s City Hall station.
A: 시청역까지 어떻게 가요?
How do I get there?
B: 이쪽으로 계속 걸어가다 보면 나와요.
If you keep walking this way, you’ll see it.
Take some time to translate these sentences as practice:
1). If you keep following this road, you’ll see the Starfield Library.
2). After standing (서 있다) for a long time, my back and legs hurt.
3). 네가 계속 늦게까지 일하다 보면 네 친구들은 네가 항상 바쁘다고 생각할 거야.
4). If we study Korean in Korea, we will be able to speak Korean as much/well as a Korean person.
5). After eating a lot of spicy food, you will be able to eat it easily (쉽게).
I've put them out of order so its not as obvious.
한국에서 한국어를 공부하다가 보면 한국인처럼 한국어를 할 수 있을 거예요.
오랫동안 서있다 보면 허리와 다리가 아파요.
If you keep working late, your friends will think you're always busy.
이 길을 계속 따라가다 보면 별마당 도서관이 볼 겁니다.
매운 음식을 많이 먹으면 쉽게 먹을 수 있을 거예요.
That's all for this post! You can check below to see other grammar lessons similar to this.
This watch was sold by Sotheby's in the early or mid-'90s. I link think it was bought by Shellman because you can still find this watch on their old website. Eventually, link it made link its way to a collector, and eventually, I was able to buy it.
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