안녕하세요! Koreanstudyjunkie님입니다~ Welcome back or welcome to another post. Today I have a Korean story for you to practice your reading skills.
There may be a few typos, just ignore them. There's an english translation & a list of vocab below.
Reminder: 하였다 = 했다 and the 되었다 = 됐다
STORY: 나무 한 그루가 있었어요. 그리고 그 나무한테 놀러 오는 귀여운 소년이 있었지요.
소년은 매일 나뭇가지에 매달려 놀기도 하고, 열매를 따 먹기도 하였어요. 또 술래잡기도 하고, 나무 그늘에서 낮잠도 잤다.
소년은 니무를 사랑하였고 나무도 소년을 사랑했어요. 둘은 아주 행복하였지요. 어느덧 소년은 청년이 되었고 나무도 크게 자랐어요.
소년은 다른 친구를 많이 만나게 되요. 나무에게는 가끔 놀러오게 되었지요. 세월이 흘러 소년은 어른이 되었어요.
그는 나무를 찾아와 밑동만 남겨 놓고 나무를 베어 팔았어요. 그래도 나무는 그가 오는 것이 좋았고 행복하였지요. 노인이 된 소년은 다시 나무를 찾아왔지요.
나무가 말하였어요. “나는 너에게 줄 거라고는 이제 아무것도 없어. 나는 밑동만 남았거든. 나는 아무것도 필요하지 않아. 그저 앉아서 편히 쉴 곳이나 있었으면 좋겠어.” 노인이 말하였어요. “앉아서 쉬기에는 늙은 나무 밑동이 최고야. 자, 이리 와서 앉아”
노인은 나무가 시키는 대로 하였지요. 나무는 무척 행복하였답니다.
English Translation:
There was a tree. And there was a cute boy who came to play with the tree.
The boy hung from the branches and ate the fruit every day. I also played tag and took a nap in the shade of a tree.
The boy loved the tree and the tree loved the boy. They were both very happy. Before he knew it, the boy became a young man and the tree grew big.
The boy meets many other friends. They sometimes came to visit the tree. Over the years, the boy became an adult.
He found a tree and cut down the tree and sold it. Still, the tree was happy and happy for him. The boy who had became old, came back to the tree.
The tree said. "I don't have anything for you anymore. I only have a stump left.” “I don't need anything. I just wish I had a place to sit down and relax." said the old man. "The old wooden base is the best to sit down and rest. Come here and sit down”
The old man did what the tree told him to do. The tree was very happy.
Full Vocabulary & Phrases List:
아낌없이 - generously
주다 - to give
나무 - tree
한 그루 - a tree
에게 | 한테 - to, from
놀러오다 - come to play
소년 - boy
매일 - everyday
나뭇가지 - branch, twig
매달리다 - hang, dangle
~기도 하다 - both; this as well as that
열매 - fruit, berry
따다 - pick
또 - also
술래잡기 - hide and seek
그늘 - shade
낮잠을 자다 - to take a nap
도 - also
둘 - two; two people
아주 - very
어느덧 - already, so soon
청년 - young person, youth
자라다 - to grow
다른 친구 - a different friend
만나게 돼요 - end up meeting
게 되다 - end up doing
가끔 - sometimes
세월 - time, days, years
흐르다 - pass
어른이 되다 - become an adult
찾아오다 - come visit
밑동 - base, roots, stump
만 - only
남기다 - remain, be left
(나무를) 베다 - cut down tree
팔다 - sell
그래도 - even so, though, nevertheless
노인 - old person, senior citizen
다시 - again
줄 거 - a thing to give you
아무것도 없다 - nothing
나는 너에게 줄 거라고는 이제 아무것도 없어
= I don't have anything for you anymore
그저 - just, same
앉다 - to sit
편히 - comfortably
늙다 - become old, age
최고다 - the best
이리 와 - come here
시키다 - order (someone to do something)
시키는 대로 하다 - do as one is told
무척 - very, extremely
답니다 - 다고 합니다 (quote what someone said)
📚I have a few story books on my store if you want to keep practicing your reading skills. The link is in my bio. They also have questions about the story as well as a breakdown of the grammar and vocabulary used it in them😉 Original Post.
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