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Reading Practice | A Day in the Life of Jiho

Writer: Vaibhavi Vaibhavi

Updated: Jan 13

안녕하세요 여러분! I'm Vaibhavi from India. In today’s blog post, we’ll take a peek into the daily routine of Jiho (지호), a young professional living in Seoul.

Before you dive in to the reading, check out my new Language Cafe!

As Usual vocabulary list and the English translation of the story will be also provided at the end of the post. Ready? Let’s Go!!

아침 7시 (7:00 AM): 지호는 눈을 떠요. 알람 소리에 깜짝 놀라서 얼른 일어나요. “오늘도 바쁘겠지…” 지호는 속으로 생각해요. 그는 침대에서 일어나 화장실로 가서 세수를 해요. 그리고 거울을 보며 미소를 지어요. “하루를 긍정적으로 시작하자!”라고 말해요.

아침 8시 (8:00 AM): 지호는 간단하게 아침을 먹어요. 주로 빵과 커피를 먹어요. 오늘은 시간이 조금 남아서 아침 식사를 천천히 즐길 수 있어요. 식사를 마치고, 지호는 옷을 갈아입고 서둘러 집을 나서요. “오늘은 지각하지 말아야지,” 지호는 다짐해요.

오전 9시 (9:00 AM): 지호는 회사에 도착해요. 그는 컴퓨터를 켜고 이메일을 확인해요. “이메일이 왜 이렇게 많지?” 지호는 한숨을 쉬어요. 하지만 그는 업무에 집중하기로 해요. 첫 번째 회의는 10시에 시작해요. 그래서 그 전까지 준비를 해요.

오후 12시 (12:00 PM): 점심 시간이 되자 동료들과 함께 식당에 가요. 오늘 메뉴는 비빔밥이에요. 지호는 비빔밥을 좋아해요. “오늘 점심은 아주 맛있겠어!”라고 말해요. 식사하면서 동료들과 이야기해요. “이번 주말에 뭐 할 거야?” 한 동료가 물어요. 지호는 “아직 계획이 없지만, 쉬고 싶어,”라고 대답해요.

오후 3시 (3:00 PM): 오후에는 회의가 많아요. 지호는 피곤하지만, 열심히 회의에 참여해요. “오늘 하루는 정말 길다…”라고 속으로 생각해요. 그러나 일을 마치고 나면 기분이 좋아질 거라고 다짐해요.

오후 6시 (6:00 PM): 퇴근 시간이 되었어요. 지호는 사무실을 떠나 집으로 가요. 지하철에서 책을 읽으면서 시간을 보내요. “이 책은 정말 재미있어,” 지호는 혼자 말해요. 집에 도착하면 저녁을 준비해야 해요.

저녁 7시 (7:00 PM): 지호는 집에 도착해 간단한 저녁을 준비해요. 오늘 저녁은 김치찌개예요. 지호는 요리를 잘 못하지만, 김치찌개는 잘 만들어요. “역시 김치찌개는 최고야!”라고 말해요. 저녁을 먹고 나면 TV를 보면서 휴식을 취해요.

밤 10시 (10:00 PM): 지호는 잠자리에 들어요. “오늘도 고생 많았어,” 지호는 스스로에게 말해요. 그리고 내일의 하루를 위해 푹 자려고 해요. “내일은 더 좋은 하루가 되길!” 지호는 소원을 빌며 잠이 들어요.

Vocabulary List

  1. 눈을 뜨다  - to wake up, to open one's eyes

  2. 알람 소리 - alarm sound

  3. 일어나다 - to get up, to wake up

  4. 속으로 생각하다 - to think to oneself

  5. 침대에서 일어나다  - to get out of bed

  6. 화장실 - bathroom

  7. 세수하다  - to wash one’s face

  8. 거울 - mirror

  9. 미소를 짓다 - to smile

  10. 긍정적으로 시작하다  - to start positively

  11. 간단하게 아침을 먹다  - to eat a simple breakfast

  12.  - bread

  13. 커피 - coffee

  14. 천천히 즐기다  - to enjoy slowly

  15. 옷을 갈아입다 - to change clothes

  16. 서두르다  - to hurry

  17. 지각하다 - to be late

  18. 회사에 도착하다 - to arrive at the office

  19. 컴퓨터를 켜다 - to turn on the computer

  20. 이메일을 확인하다  - to check email

  21. 한숨을 쉬다 - to sigh

  22. 업무에 집중하다 - to focus on work

  23. 회의  - meeting

  24. 준비하다 - to prepare

  25. 점심시간 - lunchtime

  26. 식당  - restaurant

  27. 비빔밥 - bibimbap (Korean mixed rice with vegetables)

  28. 동료 - colleague

  29. 이야기하다  - to talk, to chat

  30. 피곤하다  - to be tired

  31. 참여하다  - to participate

  32. 퇴근 시간  - time to leave work

  33. 사무실 - office

  34. 집으로 가다 - to go home

  35. 지하철  - subway

  36. 책을 읽다  - to read a book

  37. 시간을 보내다  - to spend time

  38. 집에 도착하다 - to arrive home

  39. 저녁을 준비하다  - to prepare dinner

  40. 김치찌개 - kimchi stew

  41. 요리를 잘 못하다  - to not be good at cooking

  42. 휴식을 취하다  - to relax

  43. 잠자리에 들다 - to go to bed

  44. 고생 많다 - to work hard, to have a hard time

  45. 푹 자다 - to sleep well

  46. 소원을 빌다  - to make a wish

English Translation: Jiho's Daily Routine

7:00 AM: Jiho wakes up. Startled by the alarm sound, he quickly gets up. "Today is going to be busy too..." Jiho thinks to himself. He gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom to wash his face. Looking in the mirror, he smiles and says, "Let's start the day positively!"

8:00 AM: Jiho eats a simple breakfast, usually bread and coffee. Today, he has a little extra time, so he can enjoy his breakfast slowly. After finishing his meal, Jiho changes his clothes and hurriedly leaves the house. "I shouldn't be late today," Jiho resolves.

9:00 AM: Jiho arrives at the office. He turns on his computer and checks his email. "Why are there so many emails?" Jiho sighs but decides to focus on his work. The first meeting starts at 10 AM, so he prepares until then.

12:00 PM: When lunchtime arrives, Jiho goes to a restaurant with his colleagues. Today's menu is bibimbap, which Jiho likes. "Today's lunch is going to be delicious!" he says. While eating, he chats with his colleagues. "What are you doing this weekend?" one colleague asks. Jiho replies, "I don't have any plans yet, but I just want to rest."

3:00 PM: In the afternoon, there are many meetings. Jiho is tired, but he participates in the meetings diligently. "Today is really long..." he thinks to himself. However, he reassures himself that he will feel better once he finishes his work.

6:00 PM: It's time to leave work. Jiho leaves the office and heads home. He spends time on the subway reading a book. "This book is really interesting," Jiho says to himself. When he gets home, he has to prepare dinner.

7:00 PM: Jiho arrives home and prepares a simple dinner. Tonight's dinner is kimchi stew. Jiho isn't very good at cooking, but he is good at making kimchi stew. "Kimchi stew is the best!" he says. After dinner, he relaxes while watching TV.

10:00 PM: Jiho goes to bed. "You worked hard today too," Jiho says to himself. He tries to get a good night's sleep for tomorrow. "I hope tomorrow will be a better day!" Jiho wishes as he falls asleep.

By following 지호 day, you’ve picked up a slice of Korean daily life and some useful vocabulary. Now, try describing your own daily routine in Korean as a writing practice in comments . We can help you by correcting typos. Practice makes perfect!


That's it for post. See you in the next post... Visit for more such free lessons.

If you have any questions leave a comment !!!

Happy learning! 행복한 학습 되세요!


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