안녕하세요 리더님! It’s Koreanstudyjunkie here. I’ve got a really nice lesson for you today - 만큼.
Many people mistakenly think that 만큼 is just like 처럼. But these 2 could in fact not be more different. Even in terms of difficulty 만큼 takes the cake!
Noun + 만큼
Firstly, 만큼 can be used with nouns to express the idea of "as much as (that noun)" or "to the extent that (noun)”
너만큼 = as much as you
밥만큼 = as much as rice
나만큼 = as much as me
Attaching 만큼 indicates that something is done to a certain level (describes the level of the noun that it is attached to).
1) 너만큼 노래를 잘하는 사람은 없어요. = There’s no one who sings as well as you.
2) 나는 친구만큼 키가 커요. = I’m as tall as my friend.
3) 저는 한국 사람만큼 한국말을 할 수 있어요 = I can speak Korean as much as a Korean person can.
To use 만큼 with Verbs and Adjectives first you have to convert it into noun.
When you adjust verbs to describe nouns, you should know you must add ~는 to the stem of a verb.
Hence use Verb stem + 는 만큼 to express the degree or extent of an action.
It is also possible for 만큼 to function as the noun described in a clause conjugated with ~는 것, that is, as ~는 만큼 rather than always as ~는 것만큼 (As it is unnatural to use ~는 것만큼, also the difference does not matter and is negligible.). The past, present, and future tenses can be applied to the clause preceding 만큼.

Usually the following structure is used :
Verb A + -ㄴ/는/은/ㄹ/을 + 만큼 + Verb B
where Verb A is modified as a noun.
This structure can be translated as:
Verb A + so much that + Verb B or Verb A + to the extend that+ Verb
1). 그가 노래한 만큼 분위기가 좋아졌어. = The atmosphere improved to the extent that he sang.
2). 날아갈 만큼 바람이 세다 = The wind is so strong that I might fly away.
3). 그가 말한 만큼 중요한 정보는 아니었어. = It wasn't as important as he said.
4). 그녀가 노력한 만큼 성공할 거야. = She will succeed to the extent that she tried
As you can see, the translate is not always “as much as”. Sometimes it can be translated to “to the extent..” or its possible that the translation won’t really reflect 만큼’s meaning well. In that case, you’ll see “as” instead.
5). 그는 나만큼 자주 운동해. = He exercises as often as I do.
6). 내 동생은 나만큼 많이 먹는다. = My younger sibling eats as much as I do.
7). 그들은 우리만큼 빨리 달리지 않았다. = They didn’t run as fast as we did.
8). 내 성적은 네 성적만큼 좋지 않다. = My grades aren’t as good as yours.
9). 열심히 공부한 만큼 좋은 점수를 받을 거예요.= You will get a good mark as much as you study hard.
10). 최선을 다한 만큼 좋은 결과가 있을 거예요. = You will have good results as much as you do your best.

Translate Each Sentence
1). 이 방은 저 방만큼 넓어요.
2). I like it as much as you do.
3). 네가 나만큼 이해할 거라고 생각해.
(으)ㄹ 거라고 생각하다 - I think (smth) will
4). I don’t think anyone is as smart as my dad.
똑똑하다 - smart
5). I saved as much money as I wanted.
원하다 - want
모으다 - to save (money)
6). 배도 사과만큼 맛이 좋아요.
배 - pear
맛 - flavor
7). I want to speak Korean as well as Korean people do.
8). 제가 원하는 만큼 사과를 봉지에 담아 주세요.
원하다 - to want
봉지 - bag, puch
봉지에 담다 - to put smth in a a bag
9). No other fruit is as popular as watermelon in Summer.
인기가 있다 - to be popular
수박 - watermelon
과일 - fruit

오늘은 정말 바쁜 하루였어요.아침에 일어나자마자 어제 먹은 음식만큼 많이 먹고 나갔어요.
점심시간이 되어서 어제 점심시간만큼 길게 쉬지는 못했어요.
회사에서는 항상 일한 만큼 급여를 받지만, 오늘은 평소보다 더 많은 일을 해야 했어요.
그래서 일을 끝낼 때쯤 내가 예상했던 만큼 지쳐 있었어요. 퇴근 후 친구를 만났는데, 그 친구도 나만큼 피곤해 보였어요.
우리는 같이 저녁을 먹으러 갔는데, 그 식당은 내가 전에 가 본 식당만큼 좋지는 않았어요.
하지만 음식은 그만큼 맛있었어요. 집에 돌아오는 길에 오늘 하루가 어제만큼 힘들었다는 생각을 했어요.
내일은 오늘만큼 바쁘지 않기를 바랐어요.
이 방은 저 방만큼 넓어요.
= This room is as big (wide) as that room.
2). I like it as much as you do.
= 저는 당신만큼 좋아해요.
3). 네가 나만큼 이해할 거라고 생각해.
= I think you’ll understand as much as I do.
4). I don’t think anyone is as smart as my dad.
= 우리 아버지만큼 똑똑한 사람이 없는 것 같아요.
5). I saved as much money as I wanted.
= 저는 원하는 만큼 돈을 모았어요.
6). 배도 사과만큼 맛이 좋아요.
= Pears taste as good as apples.
7). I want to speak Korean as well as Korean people do.
= 저는 한국인이 한국어를 잘하는 것만큼 한국어를 잘하고 싶어요.
8). 제가 원하는 만큼 사과를 봉지에 담아 주세요.
= Please fill the bag with as many apples as I want.
9). No other fruit is as popular as watermelon in Summer.
= 여름에 수박만큼 인기 있는 과일이 없어요
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