안녕하세요! Koreanstudyjunkie입니다. This post is loaded with quite a few medical and doctor-related Korean vocabulary. We have plenty of other medical posts like this, Incase you're looking for them. Check here!
First Aid Kit (Terms) :
First Aid Kit 구급 상자
Bandaids or Plasters 반창고
Pain Medication 진통제
Cough medicine 감기약
Gauze bandages 거즈 or 의료용 붕대 테이프
Disinfectant 소독약
Ointment 연고
Tweezers 핀셋
Thermometer 구강 체온계
Anti-itch cream 칼라민 로션
Water 물
Scissors 가위
Gloves 장갑
Cotton swab or bud 면봉
Antacid 제산제
Antihistamine 항히스타민제
Cold Compress or Ice pack 얼음 팩
Blanket 담요
Other Vocabulary:
불안(장애) - Anxiety
천식 - Asthma
혈액형 - Blood type
암 - Cancer
뇌진탕 - Concussion
변비 - Constipation
피임약 - Contraceptive pill, Birth control
기침 - Cough
치매 - Dementia
우울증 - Depression
당뇨병 - Diabetes
진단 - Diagnosis
간질 - Epilepsy
열 - Fever
독감 - Flu
두통 - Headache
심장 마비 - Heart attack
심장병 - Heart disease
부상 - Injury
불면증 - Insomnia
월경 주기 - Menstrual cycle
비만 - Obesity
수술 - Operation
임신 - Pregnancy
처방전 - Prescription
콧물 - Runny nose
부작용 - Side effect
위통 - Stomachache
생리통 - Stomach cramps, Menstrual cramps
증상 - Symptom
치통 - Toothache
종양 - Tumor
접종 - Vaccination
바이러스 - Virus
구토 - Vomiting
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Exploring medical terms in Korean, especially related to hospitals, is not only beneficial for language learners but also underscores the global importance of effective healthcare communication. In this linguistic journey, considering the significance of compassionate care becomes evident. MyLifeChoice, a company specializing in palliative care, exemplifies the value of multilingual and personalized medical assistance. While not directly related to Korean medical vocabulary, MyLifeChoice provides crucial support for individuals with serious illnesses, ensuring comfort and assistance during challenging times. Recognizing the importance of communication in healthcare, this linguistic exploration aligns with the broader goal of enhancing patient care and promoting understanding across diverse linguistic backgrounds.