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List Of All The Korean Particles | Korean particles & How To Use Them

Writer: KSJ 쌤KSJ 쌤

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

안녕하세요~ Koreanstudyjunkie입니다! This post is a list of most of the Korean particles - excluding Korean counters, although I have made a post about them separately. View here.

List & Their Usages: -은/는 =marks topic in a sentence

-을/를 = marks object in a sentence

-이/가 =marks subject in a sentence

- = location/time marking particle

-에서 = used when a specific action is done a location

-부터 = has meaning of from; since

-까지 = has meaning of to; until

- = used as "and" | verb before 고 and after go

- = used the same as "also" and "too" in English

-(으)로 =used to indicate the direction, means, method, materials, cause, etc.

-마다 = each, every

- 에게/한테/께 = used to show that you are doing (or giving) something to someone they all have the same meaning.

같이 = equivalent to the phrase Like Something /Someone & used just like N +처럼. different from N +와 같이

처럼 = attaching the word 처럼 to a noun you create the meaning of "like (that noun) "

-(으)나 = repeated to list alternatives creating an idiomatic expression kind of like "this or that"

보다 = than

(이)나 = attached to nouns to say "or"

거나 = attached to verbs to say "or"

아니면 = combining 아니다 with ~면, we get "아니면" and is used as "or"

= use Noun +쯤 to say something was about or approximately.

밖에 = used to say "Only" or "Nothing but..". Negation must follow this particle.

와/과 = and | connects nouns - used less in speaking and more in writing

(이)랑 = used to mean "with" someone or "and" | used more in speaking

하고 = used to list more than 1 item. often used in spoken Korean while 'N 과 /와' mostly used in written Korean means 'N and'

= used with nouns | = Only/Just

= possessive particle. equivalent to (...'s) | my...his...hers...yours


Example Sentences:

- 은/는 & -에 & -고

동생 부산에 살고 나는 서울에 살고 있다.

My sibling lives in business and I live in Seoul.

- 을/를 & -에

아침에는 빵 먹어요.

I eat bread for breakfast

- 이/가

네가 밀면 내가 끌게.

You push and I’ll pull.

- 에서 & 에

우리는 주말에 공원에서 만났어요

We met at the park on the weeknd.

- 부터

지난달부터 그녀를 보지 못했어요.

I haven't seen her since last month.

-까지 & -부터

그녀는 아침부터 저녁까지 일해요.

She works from morning to (until) evening.

- 도

저도요 (Me too)

- (ㅇ)로 & -을/를

아이스크림을 숟가락으로 먹었다.

I ate Icecream with a spoon

- 마다

주말마다 (Every weekend)

- 에게 | 한테 | 께

지수는 아이가 너무 귀여워 아이한테 뽀뽀를 했어

Ji-Soo kissed the child because she was so cute.

- 같이

사장님은 직원들에게 친구같이 편안하게 말해요.

The boss talks to the employees comfortably like a friend.

- 처럼

아기처럼 울다 (to cry like a baby)

- (으)나

좋으나 싫으나 너는 한국 사람이 아니야.

Like it or not, you are not Korean.

- 보다

기차보다 비행기가 빠르다

A plane is faster than a train

- (이)나

공책이나 연필

notebooks and[or] pencils

- 거나

민준은 주말에 보통 친구를 만나거나 영화를 본다.

Minjun usually meets a friend or watches a movie on weekends.

- 쯤

두 시쯤 만나자

I will see you around two.

- 밖에

하나밖에 없어요.

There's only one/nothing, but one.

- 와/과

너와 나 (You and I)

- (이)랑

친구 이야기하다

talk with a friend

- 하고

나가서 양파하고 두부 좀 사와.

Go out and get some onions and tofu.

- 만

한번만 (Once)

- 의

저의 가방 (My bag)


That's the end of this post. We have plenty more lessons like this here. I actually have a particles quiz booklet that you can use to test yourself on all these particles - you can get it on my store.


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