Most korean learners have done at least 1 korean tongue twister before just for fun. But you probably have seen or done the same tongue twisters several times over - today, I have a list of difficult but less commonly seen tongue twisters to practice your pronunciation.
Doing tongue twsiters are a great way to improve your pronunciation! So don't be shy and try one out for youtself - the trick is to start slow and gradually get faster.
No romanization will be listed below, but
I'll link back to old instagram posts
that do have romanization in them. Click
on the highlighted text to go there.
스위스에서 오셔서 산새들이 속삭이는 산림
숲속에서 숫사슴을 샅샅이 수색해 식사하고
English Translation:
You come from Switzerland, you search all over the forest where the mountain birds whisper, you eat.
도토리가 문을 도로록, 드르륵, 두루룩 열었는가? 드로록, 도루륵, 두르룩 열었는가?
Rough Translation:
Did The Acorn Open The Door With A Rattle, Rattle, Rattle? Did The Acorn Open The Door With A Rattle, Rattle, Rattle?
저 철창의 쇠창살은 새 쇠창살이다.
English Translation:
The steel bars on the prison are new steel bars
체다치즈를 최고 많이 먹은 최다은이
체다치즈 먹기 대회 최다 우승자이다.
English Translation:
Choi-Da-Eun who has eaten most of the cheddar cheese is the winner of the cheddar cheese eating competition.
안촉촉한 초코칩 나라에 살던 안촉촉한 초코칩이 촉촉한 초코칩 나라의 촉촉한 초코칩을 보고 촉촉한 초코칩이 되고 싶어서 촉촉한 초코칩 나라에 갔는데 촉촉한 초코칩 나라의 문지기가 "넌 촉촉한 초코칩이 아니고 안촉촉한 초코칩이니까 안촉촉한 초코칩 나라에서 살아"라고해서 안촉촉한 초코칩은 촉촉한 초코칩이 되는것을 포기하고 안촉촉한 초코칩 나라로 돌아갔다.
[Full Meaning At The Bottom]
Meaning Breakdown
안촉촉한 초코칩 나라에 살던 안촉촉한 초코칩이 촉촉한 초코칩 나라의 촉촉한 초코칩을 보고
A non-moist chocolate chip cookie that lived in non-moist chocolate chip cookie land saw a moist chocolate chip cookie from moist chocolate chip cookie land and
안 촉촉한 초코칩 나라
non-moist chocolate chip cookie land
안촉촉한 초코칩
non-moist chocolate chip cookie
촉촉한 초코칩 나라
moist cholate chip cookie land
촉촉한 초코칩
moist chocolate chip cookie
촉촉한 초코칩이 되고 싶어서 촉촉한 초코칩 나라에 갔는데
wanted to become a moist chocolate chip cookie and so went to moist chocolate chip cookie land, but
되고 샆다
want to become
는데 = but
촉촉한 초코칩 나라에 가다
to go to moist chocolate chip cookie land
촉촉한 초코칩 나라의 문지기가 "넌 촉촉한 초코칩이 아니고 안촉촉한 초코칩이니까 안촉촉한 초코칩 나라에서 살아"라고해서
the gate-keeper of moist chocolate chip cookie land said, "You are not a moist chocolate chip cookie, but a non-moist chocolate chip cookie, so live in non-moist chocolate chip cookie land," so
의 = possessive particle (show's possession) like ('s) in english
the land('s) gatekeeper
촉촉한 초코칩 나라의 문지기
moist chocolate chip cookie's gatekeeper or the gatekeeper of moist chocolate chip cookie land
넌 = 너는
아니다 = to not be
넌 촉촉한 초코칩이 아니다
you are not a moist chocolate chip cookie
안촉촉한 초코칩이다 + 니까 [because;so]
안촉촉한 초코칩이니까
since/because you are a non-moist chocolate chip cookie
라고 하다
used when quoting what someone said
안촉촉한 초코칩은 촉촉한 초코칩이 되는것을 포기하고 안촉촉한 초코칩 나라로 돌아갔다.
the non-moist chocolate chip cookie gave up on becoming a moist chocolate chip cookie and went back to non-moist chocolate chip cookie land.
에서 = in
살다 = to live
안촉촉한 초코칩 나라에서 살아
live in non-moist chocolate chip land
안촉촉한 초코칩은 촉촉한 초코칩이 되는것을 포기하다
the non-moist chocolate chip cookie gave up on becoming a moist chocolate chip cookie
되다 + 는 것 = to become + ing
포기하다 = To Give Up
안촉촉한 초코칩 나라로 돌아갔다.
he returned to non-moist chocolate
chip cookie land.
로 = to; towards
돌아가다 = To Return To
Vocabulary Words Used [단어장]
촉촉하다 moist
초코칩 chocolate chip cookie
나라 land; country
살다 to live
보다 to see
되다 to become
가다 to go
문지기 gatekeeper
아니다 to not be
포기하다 to give up
돌아가다 to return to; go back to
A non-moist chocolate chip cookie that lived
in non-moist chocolate chip cookie land
saw a moist chocolate chip cookie from moist chocolate chip cookie land
and wanted to become a moist chocolate chip cookie and so went to
moist chocolate chip cookie land, but the gate-keeper of moist chocolate
chip cookie land said, "You are not a moist chocolate chip cookie, but a
non-moist chocolate chip cookie, so live in non-moist chocolate chip cookie land,"
so the non-moist chocolate chip cookie gave up on becoming a moist
chocolate chip cookie and went back to non-moist chocolate chip cookie land.
That is the end of this post, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know below which tongue twister was your favorite and which one was the hardest for you today!
The 300 Meters EcoZilla is still present in link Citizen's lineup, although the most direct descendant of the AutoZilla in terms of general appearance, ursine heft, link and hyper-technically declarative design is probably the link Promaster 1000 Meter Professional Diver.