안녕 koreanstudyjunkie입니다! Tongue twisters are a great way to practice your pronounciation & also a fun way to test your korean reading skills. I have compiled a few short but sweet ones.
Tongue Twister #1
서울특별시 특허허가과 허가과장 허과장
Full Meaning:
Seoul Metropolitan City’s Patent Granting Section Permission Section Chief, Chief Heo
seo-ul-teuk-byeol-si teu-keo-heo-ga-gwa heo-ga-gwa-jang heo-gwa-jang
Quick Breakdown:
Seoul Metropolitan City
Patent Authorization Department
Permission Section Chief
Chief Heo
Vocabulary Words:
잰말놀이 Tongue Twister
서울 Seoul
특별시 Metropolitan City
특허 Patent (on/for)
허가 Permission
과 And
과장 Section Chief
Tongue Twister #2
만점 만점에 만점을 맞으면 만점을 맞았으니 만점을 맞은 것이다
Rough Translation:
If I get a perfect score, Since I got a perfect score, I got a perfect score.
Let's try to break it down a little:
만점을 맞으면
If I get a perfect score
만점을 맞았으니(까)
Since/Because I got a perfect score
만점을 맞은 거예요
I got a perfect score
Tongue Twister #3
정희수가 희희낙락하게 희끄무리한 흰머리를 뽑으며
English Translation:
Jung Hee-soo pulled out white hair.
The Breakdown:
희희낙락하다 - (be) very glad[happy], be delighted
희끄무리하다 - be whitish
흰머리 - white hair
뽑다 - to pull, pluck
Caliber: 0100, Eco-DriveFunctions: link Hours, minutes, secondsPower link Reserve: 6 months; 8 months in standby modeFrequency: 8,388,608 Hz via an AT-cut link quartz crystal which is thermocompensatedJewels: 17Chronometer Certified: Caliber 0100 laughs at your feeble chronometer certificationAdditional Details: LIGA anti-backlash teeth in driving train for the hands; ruthenium coated with striped finish
I'm using every braincell to read these.😂 It's a good practice though and a goal to be able to read these fluently in the future.
_risus7 on instagram.