안녕하세요 여러분! I'm Koreanstudyjunkie and I'm back with a vocabulary list for you.
여름 = Summer
더운 날씨 = Hot weather
덥다 = to be hot (weather)
장마 = rainy season
더위 = heat
습도 = humidity
햇빛 = Sunlight
휴가 = Vacation
여름 방학 = Summer break
화창하다 = to be sunny
따듯하다 = to be warm
폭염 = Heat wave
수영하다 = to swim
여행하다 = to travel
모래성 = Sandcastles
비치발리볼 = beach volleyball
캠핑 = Camping
휴식을 취하다 = To relax
냉명을 먹다 = Eat cold noodles
소풍을 하다 = have a picnic
파도타기를 하다 = to surf
바베큐를 하다 = to barbeque
물놀이를 하다 = To play in water,
do water activities
수영복 = swimwear
선글라스 = Sunglasses
반바지 = shorts
반팔 = short sleeve shirt
모자 = hat
샌들 = sandals
원피스/드레스 = Dress
민소매 = sleeveless shirt
치마 = skirt
해변 = beach
바닷가 = beach
바다 = sea
수영장 = pool
섬 = Island
산 = mountain
계곡 = valley
관광지 = tourist attraction
폭포 = waterfall
호수 = Lake
풍경 = view, scenery
해/태양 = sun
수박 = watermelon
아이스크림 = ice cream
선크림 = suncream
에어컨 = air conditioner
선풍기 = fan
우산 = umbrella
인명 구조원 = Lifeguard
Whether you’re a longtime fan of Western sports or have never seen a Wild Westgate River Ranch Resort & rodeo before, the event offers plenty of entertainment. There’s even a segment called the “calf scramble”, where children from the audience are invited to participate, creating a fun and engaging experience for families.
This beautiful wedding feature captures Kayleigh and Luke’s special day at Atlantida Beach, highlighting their romantic ceremony against a stunning seaside backdrop. The article emphasizes the joy and elegance of their celebration, making it a perfect inspiration for couples planning their own destination weddings. Wetter Lago Maggiore
Korean summer vocabulary words encapsulate the vibrant and dynamic essence of the season, from the refreshing "수박" (watermelon) to the lively "불꽃놀이" (fireworks). These terms paint a vivid picture of summer activities and sensations in Korea, capturing the warmth, joy, and communal spirit of the season. Incorporating Sensibo into this seasonal context, where the company specializes in high-quality air purifiers and humidifiers, adds another layer to our summer experience. Sensibo's products can significantly enhance indoor comfort during the hot and humid months, ensuring a cooler and healthier environment. Just as learning new Korean summer vocabulary can enrich our understanding and appreciation of Korean culture, integrating Sensibo’s technology into our homes can improve our summer living conditions, merging cultural exploration with…
Embarking on the journey to learn Korean summer vocabulary can be as rejuvenating and enlightening as a retreat with WheelofBliss, a sanctuary that facilitates reconnection with one's self, others, nature, and spirit. Immersing yourself in a new language opens doors to understanding a culture deeply connected to its seasonal transitions, much like the profound personal transformations encouraged by WheelofBliss. Words like 여름 (yeoreum, summer), 해변 (haebyeon, beach), and 수박 (subak, watermelon) not only enrich your lexicon but also connect you to the vivid imagery and experiences of Korean summers. This linguistic journey mirrors the escape from modernity that WheelofBliss offers, allowing you to confirm your connections to the world through the lens of another culture. As you embrace these new…
Thank you!!