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Korean Spring Vocabulary

Updated: Mar 25

안녕하세요 여러분! I've compiled a list of Spring-related vocabulary words as well as a few sentences and phrases related to Spring.

Korean Spring Vocab

  • 봄 - Spring

  • 봄철 - Spring season

  • 봄햇살 - Spring sunshine

  • 봄날 - Spring day

Spring Activities

  • 산책 - Walk

  • 소풍 - Picnic

  • 나들이 - Outing

  • 캠핑 - Camping

  • 외출 - Going out (because spring weather is usually mild and pleasant)

  • 벚꽃구경 - Cherry blossom viewing (a popular spring activity in Korea)

  • 딸기 농장 방문 - Visiting strawberry farms (a popular spring activity in Korea)

Spring Weather

  • 바람 - Wind

  • 따뜻한 - Warm

  • 햇볕 - Sunlight

  • 봄바람 - Spring breeze

  • 봄비 - Spring rain

  • 하늘 - Sky (spring skies are often clear and blue)

Insects (& other)

  • 집게벌레 - May bug (a type of beetle that emerges during spring)

  • 나비 - Butterfly

  • 새 - Bird

  • 벌 - Bee

Plants, Flowers, Fruits

  • 꽃 - Flower

  • 피다 - To Bloom

  • 열매 - Fruit

  • 새싹 - New sprout

  • 봄나물 - Spring greens

  • 딸기 - Strawberry (a popular fruit eaten during spring in Korea)

  • 산딸기 - Wild berry (a type of berry that grows on mountains during spring)

  • 연못 - Pond (because many people like to visit ponds and parks during the spring season)

  • 민들레 - Dandelion (a common sight during spring)

  • 벚꽃 - Cherry blossom (a symbol of spring in Korea)

  • 산수유 - Forsythia (a plant that blooms yellow flowers during spring in Korea)

  • 노란 나무 - Yellow tree (a common sight during spring)

  • 호두나무 - Walnut tree (a tree that bears fruit during spring in Korea)

  • 나무 - Tree


  • 꽃가루 - Pollen

  • 폴렌 - Pollen

  • 알레르기 - Allergy

  • 재채기 - Sneeze

  • 재채기를 하다 - To Sneeze

  • 기침 - Cough

  • 기침을 하다 - To Cough



  • 마음 따뜻해지다 - To warm up one's heart (a common expression used during spring in Korea)

  • 봄이 왔다 - Spring has come.

  • 봄을 맞이하다 - To welcome spring.

  • 봄날의 향기 - The scent of spring.

  • 봄은 새로운 시작이다 - Spring is a time for new beginnings.

  • 봄바람이 불면 - When the spring breeze blows.

  • 벚꽃이 피다 - The cherry blossoms are blooming.

  • 봄비가 내리다 - The spring rain is falling.

  • 봄날에 산책하다 - To take a walk on a spring day.

  • 봄날에 나들이 가다 - To go on an outing during spring.

  • 봄햇살이 따뜻하다 - The spring sunshine is warm.

That's the end of this post! If you want to see more seasonal vocab or just vocab in general feel free to explore all of the lessons here~

Leave a like on this blog if you enjoyed it and let me know what your favorite season is! For me, I love Spring and Fall - but I'd say Fall is my favorite.

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