안녕하세요! Koreanstudyjunkie입니다~ This lesson is about words associated with emotions and mental health - many of the words are negative but I also tried to incorporate more healthy and positive things in the end. Regardless these words are good to know!
TRIGGER WARNING: there are some words that may be triggering for you if you suffer from any mental illnesses or are sensitive to certain subjects like depression, anxiety, or suicide.
Vocabulary & Phrases:
정신 건강 = mental health
부정적이다 = to be negative
기분이 안 좋다 = to not be in a good mood
우울하다 = depressed; melancholy; low-spirits
우울 = depression, melancholy
불안 = anxiety; uneasiness
불안을 느끼다 = feel anxious, feel anxiety
스트레스 = stress
스트레스를 받다 = to be stressed out (receive stress)
비 오는 날 = rainy day
흐린 날 = cloudy day
슬프다 to be sad
슬픔 = sadness
화나다 = to be angry
속상하다 = to be upset
좌절감을 느끼다 = experience frustration; be discouraged
죄절 = frustrated
멘붕 [멘탈 붕괴] = mental breakdown
공허 = emptiness
감각이 없다 = numb
외롭다 = to be lonely
외로움 = loneliness
비관주의자 = pessimist
비관적 = pessimistic
비관 = pessimism
수치심 = shame
수치심을 느끼다 = feel shame
죄책감 = guilt
자신감이 없다 = no confidence
자부심 = self-esteem
낮은 자존심 = low self-esteem
자살 = suicide
자살 충동 = suicidal impulse
자살 충동을 느끼다 = feel suicidal
아픔 = pain
지치다 = be tired of something
정신 고갈 = mental exhaustion
Less Gloomy Words:
긍정적이다 = to be positive
기분이 좋다 = to be in a good mood
기분이 좋아지다 = for one's mood to become better
스트레스를 풀다 = to relieve stress
일기를 쓰다 = write in one's journal
치료 = treatment, therapy
치료 전문가, 치료사 = therapist
통증 완화 = pain relief
자신감이 생기다 = to gain confidence
행복해지다 = to become happy
낙관론, 낙관주의 = optimism
낙천적 = optimistic
That's all for this lesson! Check out our other Korean lessons here. Or you can scroll down and see some related posts and learn more vocabulary words.