안녕하세요! I'm Koreanstudyjunkie and this lesson is a Korean dialogue for beginner level learners. The numbers represent person 1 and person 2. The grammar and vocabulary is broken down in this post.
1: 아까 뭐 하고 있었어요?
2: 심심해서 그림을 그리고 있었어요.
1: 그림을 자주 그려요?
2: 네, 저는 주로 인물을 그려요. 사람들의 다양한 모습을 그리는 것을 좋아해요.
1: 그럼 저도 그려 줄래요?
2: 네, 예쁘게 그려 줄게요.
Detailed Explanations For Everything
Sentence by Sentence Breakdown
*all sentences covered
아까 뭐 하고 있었어요?
아까 = a while ago
뭐 + 하다 = what to do
뭐해요/뭐하고 있어? = what are you doing?
뭐했어요/뭐하고 있었어요? = what were you doing?
고 있다 = present progressive (V-ing)
고 있었다 = past progressive
(was V-ing)
심심해서 그림을 그리고 있었어요.
심심하다 = to be bored
아/어/여/해서 = so; because
그림 = drawing, picture
그리다 = to draw
그림을 자주 그려요?
자주 = often
그리다 = 그려요
네, 저는 주로 인물을 그려요. 사람들의 다양한 모습을 그리는 것을 좋아해요.
주로 = usually
인물 = character
들 = plural particle
> makes a word plural
사람 = person
사람들 = people (more than one person)
의 = possessive particle
shows possession (my phone, his car, their school, etc.)
> adds ('s) example - nina('s) book
"사람들의 다양한 모습.."
The verb describes the noun in this sentence
다양하다 = various, different.
모습 = figure, appearances
다양한 모습 = various figures
What kind of figures?
> Various
사람들의 다양한 모습
People's various figures
Or various appearances[images] of people
-는 것 is attached to a verb to change a verb into a noun clause like ‘-ing’ or ‘to -‘.
것 = thing
그리는 것 = drawing; to draw; the act of drawing; the thing one draws
그리는 것을 좋아해요
= one likes drawing or one likes to draw
먹는 것을 좋아해요
= one likes to eat
그럼 저도 그려 줄래요?
그럼 = then
저 = me, i
도 = also
아/어/여 주다 = to give; to do for (someone)
ㄹ래(요) = suggesting something to someone, asking for a person's opinion
...그려 줄래요?
Can you draw (for me)..?
네, 예쁘게 그려 줄게요
네 = yes
예쁘다 = to be pretty
-게 = turns adjectives into adverbs
corresponds to "in a manner, so that.." or sometimes simply can add the "-ly"
빠르다 = to be fast, quick
빠르게 = quickly
but of course 빨리 is used most commonly instead of this word to mean the same thing
ㄹ게요 = express your intention to do something
> one will -V or one will do
그려 줄게요
I will draw
'예쁘게 그려 줄게요'
I will draw something [in a manner that is] pretty.
Vocabulary List 단어장:
아까 a while ago
뭐 what
하다 to do
심심하다 to be bored
그림 drawing; picture
그리다 to draw
자주 often
네 yes
저 me; i
주로 usually
인물 looks; features (the appearance of a person)
사람들 people
다양하다 various, diverse, different
모습 figure; appearance; looks
좋아하다 to like
그럼 if so; then
주다 to give
I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new!
I created a dialogue workbook if you'd like more things like this where we introduce a dialogue and break down each part - in the workbook we also practice the grammar and there are vocabulary quizzes PLUS questions about the dialogues to test how much you understand. You can get the dialogue workbook HERE!
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