안녕~ It's KoreanStudyJunkie. In this lesson, we'll cover vocabulary words and phrases that you can use to talk about daily routine!
Vocabulary List:
일어나다 - get up, wake up
잠들다 - to fall asleep
잠을 자다 - to go to sleep
하품 - yawn
하품을 하다 - to yawn
스트레칭을 하다 - to stretch, stretching
샤워하다 - to shower
이를 닦다 - brush one's teeth
옷을 입다 - put on clothes
갈아입다 - to change clothes
옷을 벗다 - take off clothes
세수하다 - to wash one's fast
면도하다 - to shave
화장을 하다 - to put one's makeup
어침을 먹다 - to eat breakfast
출근하다 - go to work
퇴근하다 - come home from work, get off of work
운동하다 - to exercise
커피를 마시다 - to drink coffee
집안일을 하다 - do chores, do housework
숙제 - homework
숙제를 하다 - to do homework
일하다 - to work
택시를 타다 - take a taxi
버스를 타다 - ride the bus
지하철을 타다 - take the subway
기차를 타다 - ride the train
책을 읽다 - to read a book
게임을 하다 - to play a game
머리를 감다 - to wash hair
심부름을 하다 - to do errands
전화를 하다 - to call (on a phone)
전화를 받다 - to get a phone call (from someone else)
침대를 정리하다 - to make one's bed
장을 보러 가다 - to go grocery shopping
청소하다 - to clean
설거지를 하다 - to wash the dishes
알람을 끄다 - turn off an alarm
알람을 켜다 - turn on an alarm
음악을 듣다 - to listen to music
춤을 추다 - to dance
노래하다 - to sing a song
That's all for today's post! If you're interested in learning more vocab, check out my other vocabulary books on my shop. It makes it easy to learn lots of words in a short period of time.