안녕하세요 여러분! I'm Koreanstudyjunkie. Today, I have a Masterlist of all the Irregular Korean verbs you could ever need to know.
Irregular Korean Verbs are verbs that don't fit into the rules we know and love.
When conjugating Irregulars usually you want to remove that letter and perhaps add a new element to the word.
Usually irregular verbs are only irregular in certain circumstances. For example, when they are followed by a vowel they are conjugated irregularly.
Whereas if they are followed by a vowel, usually they will remain regular. That being said, today I'll be just giving you a compilation of as many of the irregular verbs that I can find.
No rules, just the words here. You can read about the different rules in another lesson.
I have a lesson here on "How to conjugate ㅂ descriptive verbs".
가볍다 - to be light
무겁다 - to be heavy
고맙다 - to be thankful
눕다 - to lie down
굽다 - to bake, to grill
귀엽다 - to be cute
까다롭다 - to be picky, choosy
더럽다 - to be dirty
덥다 - to be hot
두렵다 - to be scared
맵다 - to be spicy
밉다 - to be detestable
반갑다 - to be glad
부럽다 - to be envious
아름답다 - to be beautiful
어둡다 - to be dark
어렵다 - to be difficult
쉽다 - to be easy
즐겁다 - to be joyful
춥다 - to be cold
아쉽다 - to be shame
두껍다 - to be thick
시끄럽다 - to be loud
뜨겁다 - hot (to the touch)
차갑다 - cold (to the touch)
외롭다 - to be lonely
홍미롭다 - to be interesting
까다롭다 - to be picky
배고프다 - to be hungry
쓰다 - to write
아프다 - to be sick
끄다 - to turn off
크다 - to be big
기쁘다 - to be happy
나쁘다 - to be bad
바쁘다 - to be busy
슬프다 - to be sad
예쁘다 - to be pretty
모으다 - to collect
뜨다 - to float
잠그다 - to lock
트다 - to open
담그다 - to soak
걷다 - to walk
듣다 - to listen
묻다 - to ask
싣다 - to load (cargo)
깨닫다 - to realize
붇다 - to swell up (with water)
긷다 - to draw water
잇다 - to connect/to link
낫다 - to be cured/to be better/to get well
붓다 - to swell/to pour
긋다 - to draw (a line)
젓다 - to stir/to whip
짓다 - to name/to build/to write
가르다 - to divide
고르다 - to choose
구르다 - to roll
기르다 - to bring up, to raise
나르다 - to carry
누르다 - to press
다르다 - to be different
두르다 - to put around
마르다 - to be thirsty, to dry
모르다 - to not know
바르다 - to put on, to apply
부르다 - to call, to be full
빠르다 - to be fast
서두르다 - to hurry
오르다 - to climb
이르다 - to be early, to snitch
자르다 - to cut
저지르다 - to commit something bad
찌르다 - to stab
흐르다 - to flow
어떻다 – To be such
이렇다 – To be like this
그렇다 – To be like that
저렇다 – To be like that
뿌옇다 – To be hazy
까맣다 – To be black
하얗다 – To be white
빨갛다 – To be red
노랗다 – To be yellow
파랗다 – To be blue
technically ANY verbs that ends with an ㄹ is irregular, so I can't provide a list to every single one of these verbs. However, I've listed the most commonly used verbs among this tier.
길다 = to be long
놀다 = to play
멀다 = to be far
알다 = to know
열다 = to open
울다 = to cry
팔다 = to sell
만들다 = to make
힘들다 = to be hard/difficult
달다 = to be sweet
불다 = to blow
걸다 = to hang
밀다 = to push
들다 = to hold
풀다 = to untie/undo
늘다 = to grow
갈다 = to replace
물다 = to bite
이끌다 = to lead/guide
거칠다 = to be rough
기울다 = to tilt
I hope this list helps you out! I'll be making a Irregular verbs conjugation lesson soon, It may already be made by the time you read this.
Check out more posts here!
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