Ooh write that down! write that down! 안녕 여러분! Koreanstudyjunkie쌤입니다~ I have a pretty cool grammar study technique that I want you to try out. It's easy and helpful.
This is a study method I have been
calling the "sentence replacement" technique. The steps are simple.
You replace words one by one until you have recreated a brand new sentence. From there using that sentence you continue to replace words to make a new sentence and then another one and another. As many as want or need.
Let's go into detail & see examples.
STEP ONE: choose a grammar structure
For this example, I will pick something pretty
easy to understand. My grammar structure of choice is ~게 되다 (meaning: to end up V-ing)
STEP TWO: find and example sentence for the grammar you chose
It's not hard to do this step. Search for an online lesson or use any resource that you have that includes example sentences. You only need one to start with.
My MAIN Example Sentence Will Be:
어제 밤 3시까지 공부하게 됐어요.
I ended up studying until 3 o'clock last night.
TIP: do this with a grammar you are currently studying. After going through the lesson and reading through any rules you need to know. In that lesson, you should be able to find at least 1 example sentence.
STEP THREE: replace or add 1-2 words. (you can do multiple words)
(MAIN sentence)
어제 밤 3시까지 공부하게 됐어요.
(ALTERED sentence)
어제 밤 3시까지 한국어를 공부하게 됐어요.
I ended up studying Korean until 3 o'clock last night.
STEP FOUR: repeat until the main sentence is no longer recognizable and you have a brand new sentence
TIP: while doing this exercise, you should check back on the lesson you are learning from and make sure you are following the rules as you make your new sentences.
1st: 어제 밤 3시까지 공부하게 됐어요.
I ended up studying until 3 o'clock last night.
2nd: 어제 밤 3시까지 한국어를 공부하게 됐어요.
I ended up studying Korean until 3 o'clock last night.
3rd: 어제 밤 3시까지 드라마를 보게 됐어요.
I ended up watching a drama until 3 o'clock last night.
4th: 화요일에 3시까지 드라마를 보게 됐어요.
I ended up watching a drama until 3 o'clock on Tuesday.
5th: 화요일에 집에서 드라마를 보게 됐어요.
I ended up watching a drama at home on Tuesday.
6th: 화요일에 집에서 라면을 먹게 됐어요.
I ended up eating ramen at home on Tuesday.
7th: 화요일에 집에서 라면을 많이 먹게 됐어요.
I ended up eating a lot of ramen at home on Tuesday.
Now It's your turn. I want you to try and do the same thing I just did. I'll give you a grammar and an example sentence to start out with and then I want you to comment below this blog your sentence or sentences.
Grammar: 기로 하다 = decide or intend to do
MAIN Example Sentence:
우리는 내년에 서울에 여행하기로 했어요.
We decided to travel to Seoul next year.
If you enjoyed this post, be sure to let me know👍 If you want to hear audio for all of my above sentences - link is here.
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