안녕~ Koreanstudyjunkie입니다! I have prepared a list of Korean vocabulary words related to hair and hair care. Hope you enjoy!
Vocabulary List:
두피 - scap
머리 - head; hair
머리카락 - hair
머리끈 - hair tie, hair band
머리띠 - scrunchie, hair tie, hair band
긴 머리카락 - long hair
단발머리 - bobbed hair, bob
생머리 - straight hair
곱슬머리 - curly hair
마리를 닿다 - braid one's hair
머리가 벗겨진 - bald
가발 - wig, hair piece
가발을 쓰다 - to wear a wig
파마 - perm
염색하다 - to dye
탈색하다 - to bleach
금발 머리 - blonde hair
갈색 머리 - bruntette, brown hair
빨간 머리 - red hair, redhead
빗, 머리빗 - comb, hiarbrush
가위 - scissors
자르다 - to cut
머릿결 - hair texture
탈모 - hair loss
발모 - hair growth
비듬 - dandruff
미용실 - beauty salon
미용사 - hairdressm beautician
체모 - body hair
수염 - beard
수염을 가르다 - to grow a beard
콧수염 - mustache
깎다 - to shave
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