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Hobbies in Korean -- 40+ Fun and Creative Hobbies

안녕하세요 여러분! I'm Vaibhavi from India. Finding a hobby that excites you is a great way to spend your time, and learning how to talk about it in Korean is a fantastic way to boost your language skills! Whether you're into sports, arts, music, or something unique, here's a list of over 40 hobbies in Korean to get you started. Let's get started!!

1. 운동 - Exercising

  • 축구  - Soccer

  • 농구  - Basketball

  • 배구  - Volleyball

  • 수영 - Swimming

  • 달리기  - Running

  • 요가  - Yoga

  • 요트 타기 - Sailing

  • 스케이트 타기 - Skating

  • 테니스  - Tennis

  • 산책  - Walking

  • 헬스  - Working out (at the gym)

2. 예술 & 공예 - Arts & Crafts

  • 그림 그리기 - Drawing

  • 색칠하기  - Coloring

  • 페인팅  - Painting

  • 종이접기 - Origami

  • 도자기 만들기  - Pottery

  • 뜨개질  - Knitting

  • 바느질 - Sewing

  • 사진 찍기  - Photography

3. 음악 - Music

  • 노래 부르기 - Singing

  • 악기 연주 - Playing Musical Instruments

  • 피아노 치기 - Playing the piano

  • 기타 치기 - Playing the guitar

  • 드럼 연주하기  - Playing the drums

  • 바이올린 연주하기 - Playing the violin

  • 음악 듣기  - Listening to music

  • 작곡하기  - Composing music

  • 노래방 가기  - Going to karaoke

4. 요리 & 베이킹 - Cooking & Baking

  • 요리하기  - Cooking

  • 베이킹- Baking

  • 케이크 만들기 - Cake making

  • 쿠키 굽기  - Baking cookies

  • 새로운 요리 시도하기  - Trying new recipes

  • 한식 만들기 - Making Korean food

5. 취미 & 레저 - Hobbies & Leisure

  • 독서  - Reading

  • 운동 관람 - Watching Sports

  • 여행  - Traveling

  • 영화 보기  - Watching movies

  • 게임하기 - Playing video games

  • 보드게임하기  - Playing board games

  • 블로그 쓰기 - Blogging

  • 일기 쓰기  - Writing a diary

  • 퍼즐 맞추기 - Solving puzzles

  • 정원 가꾸기  - Gardening

  • 낚시 - Fishing

6. 특별한 취미 - Unique Hobbies

  • 캠핑 - Camping

  • 등산 - Hiking

  • 차 마시기  - Tea drinking

  • 수집하기  Collecting (stamps, coins, etc.)

  • 명상하기  - Meditation

  • 자전거 타기  - Cycling

  • 자동차 정비하기 - Car maintenance

  • 천체 관측 - Stargazing

  • 다도  - Tea ceremony

  • 마술 배우기 - Learning Magic Tricks

  • 봉사 활동 - Volunteering

  • 악기 제작 - Making Musical Instruments

  • 곤충 채집 - Insect Collecting

  • 천문학 - Astronomy

  • 카약 타기 - Kayaking

  • 수제 비누 만들기 - Making Handmade Soap

  • 비즈 공예 - Bead Crafting

  • 수공예 - Handicrafts

  • 목공 - Woodworking

  • 웹툰 그리기 - Creating Webtoons

  • 천연 화장품 만들기 - Making Natural Cosmetics

  • 동물 돌보기 - Animal Care

  • 수제 초콜릿 만들기 - Making Handmade Chocolates

  • 코딩 - Coding

NOTE: I want you to notice something here some words end in ~기. Let’s learn about that in the upcoming lesson. Okay!!

Remember, practice makes perfect! Try incorporating these words into your daily conversations, or better yet, find a Korean language partner who shares the same hobbies. Enjoy your learning journey and happy hobbying! (haha!)

That's it for post. See you in the next post... Visit for more such free lessons.

Which hobby are you most interested in learning more about in Korean? Leave a comment below! Don’t forget to share this post with your friends who are also learning Korean. Happy studying!

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I learned about 취미 a few weeks ago but having more vocabulary it’s so helpful! I’m most interested in hobbies that involves creating

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