안녕하세요! It's Koreanstudyjunkie! Here is a list of beginner Korean phrases that you'll see Koreans use often in everyday life. PHRASES LIST:
안녕하세요 – Hello
(만나서) 반가워요 / 반갑습니다 – It’s nice to meet you
(어떻게) 잘 지내세요 (?) – I’m well (How are you?)
요즘 잘 지내고 있어요 – These days, I’m doing well
잘 못지내고 있(었)어요. – I haven’t been so well.
감사합니다 / 고마워요 – Thank you (formal / casual)
괜찮아요 – It’s okay
잠시만요 – One second
잠깐만요 – Wait
여기요 – Here
조금요 – a little
미안해요 / 죄송해요 – I’m sorry
‘X’ 주세요 – Please give me ‘X’
몰라요 – I don’t know
한국말 잘 (못)해요 – I can (not) speak Korean well
‘X’ 어디세요? – Where is the ‘X’?
‘X’ 얼마예요? – How much is ‘X’?
‘X’ 있어요? – Is there ‘X’?
안 돼요 – No way!
재미있어요 – It’s fun
진짜요 (?) – Really (?)
감사합니다 - Thank You (formal)
죄송합니다 - I'm sorry (formal)
저기요 - Excuse me; Over here
네 - Yes; Pardon me?
좋아요 - Yes; Good; I like it
아니요 - No
모르겠어요 - I don't know
질문 있어요. - I have a question.
천천히 말해 주세요. - Please speak slowly
카드로 결제 할게요 - I’ll pay with card
현금으로 결제 할게요 - I’ll pay with cash
영수증 주세요? - Can I have the receipt?
계산서 주세요/ 계산해 주세요 - Check, Please
화이팅! - Fighting!
포기하지 마세요 - Don't give up
좋은 하루 되세요 - Have a great day
좋은 하루 보내요 - Have a nice day
힘내세요 - Cheer up
진짜 잘했어요 - You did really well
항상 응원해요 - I'm always rooting for you.
조심하세요 - Be careful; Take care of yourself
잘잤어요? - Did you sleep well?
건강하세요 - Stay healthy/strong
오랜만이에요 – Its been a while (kind of like “long time no see”)
보고 싶어요 – I miss you / I want to see you
생일 축하해요 – happy birthday!
축하해요 – congrats!
마음에 들어요 – I like it!
좋아해요 – I like it!
좋아요! – Good
걱정하지마세요 – don’t worry
어떻게 생각하세요? – What do you think?
행복해요 – I’m happy
배고 파요 – I’m hungry
피곤해요 – I’m tired
잘했어요 – Well done! // You’ve done well
할 수 있어요! – you can do it!
이해해요 – I understand
이해가 안 돼요 – I don’t understand
이해가 안가 – (casual) I don’t get it
맛있어요 – tastes good / delicious (lit. has taste)
맛없어요 – tastes bad / gross (lit. has no taste)
영어를 말할 수 있어요? – Can you speak English?
(다시) 한 번 말해 주세요 – Please say that one more time (again)
영어 할 줄 알세요? - Do you speak English?
한국어 못해요 - I can't speak Korean
한국어 잘해요 - I can speak Korean well
한국어 잘못해요 - I can't speak Korean well
“X” 는/은 한국말로 어떻게 말해요?
How do you say “x” in Korean?
"____"이/가 무슨 뜻이에요?
What does "_____" mean?
천천히 말해 주세요 – Please speak slowly
적어 주세요 – Please write it down
한국말해 주세요 – please speak Korean
한국어로 말 해주세요 – Please speak in Korean
영어로 말 해주세요 – Please speak in English
‘X’이/가 한국어로 어떻게 말해요? – How do you say ‘X’ in Korean?
‘X’(이/가) 한국어로 뭐예요? – What is ‘X’ in Korean?
그렇구나 – I see
아직 / 계속 한국말 배우고 있어요 – I’m still / continuously learning Korean
몇 살이에요? – How old are you?
‘X’살 이에요 – I am ‘X’ years old (use NATIVE Korean Numbers)
이름이 뭐예요? – What’s your name?
‘X’이에요 / 예요 – I’m ‘X’
저 ‘X’이에요 / 예요 / 입니다 – I am ‘X’
제 이름은 ‘X’이에요 / 예요 / 입니다 – My name is ‘X’
무슨 일을 하세요? – What do you do for work?
‘X’이에요 / 예요 / 입니다 – I am ‘X’
뭐해(요) / 뭐하고 있어요? – what are you doing? (what’s up?)
아파요 – it hurts
추워요 – It’s cold
더워요 – it’s hot (weather - hot outside)
따뜻해요 –It’s hot (hot to touch)
That's the end of this post! I hope you learned something new. I'll see you in the next blog.
Check out more Korean lessons here!
Of course, the longer I spend at the heart of the watch world, where collectors sometimes care link about hairsprings and power reserves and lug-to-lug measurements even more than they care about what the timepiece in question actually looks like, the harder it is to remain link on the periphery. Sometimes an outsider's perspective can be a valuable commodity in this funny little bubble (even if it makes certain people VERY mad), but I know that by working link here I'm moving from the outside in.