안녕하세요. Koreanstudyjunkie입니당! Today I have some dad jokes for you. In Korean these are actually called "아재 개그". I did my best to explain each one in English as well.
Q: 우유가 넘어지면?
A: 아야
If the word “우유“ fell (to the left) on it’s side, in Korean ㅜ would change to ㅏ and ㅠ would change to ㅑ - resulting in 아야
우유 - Milk
넘어지다 - To Fall
(으)면 - When, If
Q: 11월에 뱀이랑 벌이 없는 이유는?
A: 노뱀벌
Question: Why are there are no snakes and stars in November? Answer: 노 = No, 뱀 = Snakes, 벌 = Stars | Literally, no snakes and stars. It sounds like the month of ‘November’
십일월 - November
에 - Time marking particle
뱀 - Snakes
이랑 - And
벌 - Stars
없다 - To Not Be
이유 - Reason
Q: 말이 화가 나면?
A: 마리화나.
Question: When you (you’re words) are angry? Answer: 마리화나 → It sounds like Marijuana
말 - Words
화가 나다 - To Be Angry
(으)면 - If, When
Q: 아프지도 않은데 매일 쓰는 약은?
A: 치약.
Question: What medicine do you use everyday even when you’re not sick/hurt. Answer: Toothpaste. In Korean the word for medicine is 약 and the word for toothpaste is 치약.
아프다 - to be sick, hurt
지 않다 - not
도 - even
매일 - everyday
쓰다 - to use
Q: 인도는 지금 몇시지?
A: 인도네시아
Question: What time is it in India?
인도 - India
네 - 4
시 - O’clock
인도네시야 = Indonesia
Q: 돌잔치를 영어로?
A: 락페스티벌
Question: What is 돌잔치 in English? Answer: 락 = Rock 페스티벌 = Festival
돌 = Rock
잔치 = Party, Feast
Q: 세상에서 가장 뜨거운 바다는?
A: 열받아
Question: What is the hottest sea in the world? Answer: 열받아
In Korean 열받다 means one burns with anger. 열 can mean “heat” and the 받아 part sounds the same as the Korean word for “sea” which is 바다
Thanks for reading! I'll see you in the next one~ 다음에 또 봐!
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