안녕하세요 리더님! Koreanstudyjunkie입니다~ In this lesson, I wanted to shine a light on a few of the common mistakes that I personally have seen a lot of Korean learners make and how to correct it.
Confusing Subject and Topic Markers (이/가 vs. 은/는)
Mistake: Using 은/는 when simply stating existence.
저는 돈은 있어요. (This sounds unnatural unless you're emphasizing contrast.)
친구는 집에 있어요. (Sounds unnatural unless you’re contrasting with someone else.)
Correction: Use 이/가 for neutral statements, 은/는 for contrast.
돈이 있어요. (I have money.)
돈은 있어요. (I have money, but maybe not something else.)
When using 은/는 for contrast:
돈은 있어요, 하지만 시간은 없어요. (I have money, but I don’t have time.)
저는 돈이 있어요. (I have money.)
친구가 집에 있어요. (My friend is at home.)
Incorrectly Negating ‘있다’ as ‘안 있다’
Mistake: Saying "안 있어요."
없어요. (It doesn’t exist / I don’t have it.)
안 있어요. (Incorrect)
시간이 안 있어요.
친구가 안 있어요.
시간이 없어요. (I don’t have time.)
친구가 없어요. (I don’t have a friend here.)
Misusing ‘있다’ for Occupations Instead of ‘이다’
Note: this actually happens with all instances of 있다 & 이다 not just occupations, but I chose one to showcase. If you struggle with the differences, you can read through this short lesson on their differences - 있다 vs 이다 | to be vs to be
Mistake: Saying "의사가 있어요." to mean "I am a doctor."
저는 의사예요. (I am a doctor.)
의사가 있어요. (There is a doctor.)
저는 의사가 있어요. (Sounds like "I have a doctor" rather than "I am a doctor.")
그는 배우가 있어요. (Sounds like "He has an actor" rather than "He is an actor.")
저는 의사예요. (I am a doctor.)
그는 배우예요. (He is an actor.)
When using 있다 correctly:
병원에 의사가 있어요. (There is a doctor at the hospital.)
Using ‘있다’ Instead of ‘계시다’ for Respectful Speech
Mistake: Saying "할머니가 집에 있어요." when speaking formally.
할머니가 집에 계세요. (My grandmother is at home.) (Polite)
할머니가 집에 있어요. (Grammatically correct but not respectful when talking about elders.)
사장님이 사무실에 있어요.
할머니가 집에 계세요. (My grandmother is at home.)
사장님이 사무실에 계세요. (The boss is in the office.)
When using 있다 correctly for non-honorific speech:
내 동생이 집에 있어요. (My younger sibling is at home.)
Using ‘없다’ Instead of ‘떨어지다’ for Running Out of Something
Mistake: Saying "우유가 없어요." to mean "We ran out of milk."
우유가 떨어졌어요. (We ran out of milk.)
우유가 없어요. (Technically correct, but doesn’t imply that it recently ran out.)
휴지가 없어요.
우유가 떨어졌어요. (We ran out of milk.)
휴지가 떨어졌어요. (We ran out of toilet paper.)
Alternative way to say it:
우유를 다 썼어요. (We used up all the milk.)
That’s all for this lesson! I hope you were able to learn something new here. Once you correct these small mistakes, your Korean will be a lot more natural.