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May 1, 20223 min read
How To Say "Any" In Korean | what does 아무 mean
What does 아무 mean? 아무나 - anybody
아무도 - nobody
아무 거나 - anything
아무 것도 - nothing
아무 데나 - anywhere
아무 데도 - nowhere
아무 때나 - any time
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Apr 29, 20222 min read
Restaurant Reading Practice | Korean Stories
A korean story that is about eating at restaurants. It's not a fairytale or a folk tale, but it is more of a dialogue you can use.
793 views0 comments
Apr 25, 20223 min read
How To Say "Because" In Korean | -기 때문에 vs 아/어서 vs (으)니까
There are so many ways to say "because" in Korean. In this post you'll learn when to use each one.
12,758 views0 comments
Apr 23, 20221 min read
Korean Particles Lesson | What Does ~들 Mean? & How To Use ~몇
여러분, 안녕하세요! This is Vaibhavi from India (인도). In this lesson we will learn about ~들 particle and it's usage. 시작하자! Unlike English, in...
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Isa (@busca_books)
Apr 15, 20224 min read
How to learn Korean through Kpop: 3 ways + exercises. Part 2
Hello all! 여러분 안녕❣️ In last week’s post, I introduced you to three different strategies you can use to implement your favorite K-pop...
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Apr 11, 20223 min read
Korean Particles ('and' & 'with'): ~과/와, ~랑/이랑 and ~하고
In this blog I have explained about Korean Particles ('and' & 'with'): ~과/와, ~랑/이랑 and ~하고.
250 views2 comments
Apr 9, 20223 min read
15 Useful Korean Phrases for Korean Learners (Part II)
I'm EunHo(은호) from India(인도)! I'm learning Korean(한국어) since 1 year(1년) and can write a 150 word paragraph easily 😅. (Disclaimer: These...
317 views2 comments
Apr 1, 20222 min read
The difference between 공부하다 and 배우다
Have you ever wondered what is the difference between 공부하다 and 배우다?
265 views10 comments
Mar 26, 20221 min read
Dive into the Korean culture: Hanbok(한복) ##1
Annyonghaseyo(안녕하세요) dear readers ! I'm Eunho(은호) from India. I love Korean Dramas and learning new languages. I have a Korean learning...
28 views2 comments
Mar 8, 20223 min read
The Difference Between 좋다 & 좋아하다 | 좋다 vs 좋아하다 | 싫다 vs 싫어하다
In this lesson you will learn the proper way to say "I/he/she/they like" or "I dislike" or "he/she/they dislike" and etc.
3,439 views1 comment
Feb 15, 20223 min read
ㄹ거예요 vs 겠다 | What's the difference between ㄹ거예요 & 겠다?
ㄹ거예요 vs 겠다 ~겠다 means a strong will or intention to perform an action and can only be used in the first person To emphasise one’s strong...
4,434 views0 comments
Feb 1, 20222 min read
아니요 vs 아니에요 vs 아니라 | What’s the difference between 아니요 & 아니에요?
This will tell you the exact differences between 아니요, 아니에요,& even 아니라 . I use short and simple explanations and examples of all these forms.
706 views1 comment
Jan 27, 20223 min read
What's The Difference Between 에 & 에서?
-에 and -에서 both mean the same thing, but they have different usages and rules. This post is a very simple explanation plus a short practice.
597 views0 comments
Jan 13, 20223 min read
은/는 vs 이/가 - Which Should You Use?
Disclaimer: I got this info from the lingodeer website. 🚩this is a very complicated concept in Korean and you will not learn in in one...
1,392 views0 comments
Jan 11, 20223 min read
하다 vs 되다 | Active & Passive Verbs In Korean
What does 되다 mean? And why does 되다 appear where 하다 should be. Doesn't it mean "to become"? This post will tell everything you should know.
129 views0 comments
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